BIG KID is a representation of the constant fear in todays society for people who are oppressed. It represents the yearning to be a child again, to be carefree and full of wonder and imagination, to hide away from the darkness in the world. It represents the realization of the bigger picture, the whole world and how we are all connected; the awareness of what has come before us, what is going on around us, what will come. It is also a personal nostalgia of my own childhood, growing up in Philly and homage to that life and the influences that have shaped me. Lastly, BIG KID is an admiration for the strength and knowledge of todays youth and the kids I teach and learn from everyday.
Photography by Michael Slobodian of dancer Morgan Bobrow-Williams for 'big kid'
Photography by Michael Slobodian / 'big kid' presented at Usine C for Springboard Danse Montreal 2018, Emerging Choreographer
Photography by Michael Slobodian of dancer Margarita Soria for 'big kid'
Photography by Michael Slobodian of dancer Livona Ellis for 'big kid'